I guess it would be beneficial to students to have church organizations come in and try to offer after school programs. But do you really think any religious organization will be allowed to operate in public schools.
No, I think it is another secular program for the government, using our money, of course.
In the CA high school where I work, we already provide free breakfast and lunch, free pre-natal care and vitamins, free daycare, free student supplies in many classrooms, and free transportation during the regular school day. What’s another few hours and another meal!?! Wake up, America! The students taking all these handouts have no allegiance to the United States. They even root against us at soccer games. They take.They don’t know how to give— not even their loyalty.
I don't think that would be a good idea! But churches have excellent facilities in many instances that sit empty most of the week...that could be used for after school programs.
What I really meant to say is that churches and government roles have reversed over the years. Rather than feeding the poor and hungry, today churches all too often line up to pressure government to have more entitlement programs...from their tax-exempt buildings.