That is not the correct question. The correct question is whether he is a natural born citizen as required by Article I of the Constitution. There is a big difference.
I think this question, why Obama and the people around him have a propensity to deceive, is an important one. We can come back (or get to) the constitutional issues at a later time. Hey, they could even be related. (Smile.)
To this key question the answer can only be NO, as his (reputed) father was a British subject, and not ever an American citizen.
And our Fraud-in-Chief, having had Indonesian citizenship granted him as a child, later claimed same for puposes of obtaining in the U.S.A. a college scholarship available only to foreign students.
His sole claim to U. S. citizenship is his (reputed) Hawaiian birth, and even that does not qualify him to seek election to the Presidency of the U.S.A.