Posted on 06/22/2010 2:25:59 PM PDT by sussex
Less attention has been paid to the new road being built in Hanksville, Utah, behind Blondies Eatery. It wont connect with Highway 95 and, after 250 yds will just peter out into nothing. However, as a tribute to the Obama stimulus it will be named Ozymandias Drive and there are plans to build a huge statue of Obama bestriding the road.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Please tell me this is a satire.
hope you all are watching beck
I think they should name a garbage landfill after the Fuhrer.
A statue???? Like Saddam’s? Can we throw shoes at it? Film the tearing down of it?
Will the collusus obumus be pissing onto the road? Or is water to expensive in Utah?
If it is satirical, it is a great visual comparison for the direction the country is headed under his foot. If it is not, we’re all screwed!!!
Remember in the House passed Cap and Tax bill the goal is to return the average American’s carbon footprint to 1867 ...
It's 2010 and were going back.
going back to the good ol’ days.
In 1867, you will be in Heaven.
I like the way the road sign shows that the road is named “Pres Barack Obama”, not “Barack Obama”, just in case we might forget. Has anyone ever come across a road named “Pres George Washington” or “Pres Andrew Jackson” or “Pres Herbert Hoover”??? I never have.
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