Perhaps not “The Left” as the cause. Certainly, the Left defends the actions as light-spirited and harmless - Nay - Even to be regarded as a beautiful part of “their” culture (Think Whoopi Goldberg defending Michael Vick: “It’s part of black culture”).
The problem is the black thug culture. And what she is experiencing is something called “Shark Bumping”. A preying shark will rub against a target to evaluate it before attacking it.
They gauge your response, and then decide to attack or not. Cat calls, dirty looks, shoulder-pumping and “boo checks” (They jump at you and try to scare you. It’s like saying “BOO!” only they proclaim “BOO CHECK!”)
It’s an animal thing.
Very insightful. I like Robin of Berkeley.
get a rope...
Excellent analysis, Robin.
Now take it to the next step: that the emotional outlet for the resulting trauma lock is found in the manipulation of a political Stockholm Syndrome, which in turn creates "Hillary's Army."
This was the plan from the very beginning, long, long ago. Leftist "feminists" have done more harm to women than any other force in history.
Great analysis, particularly the mapping of Liberalism to radical Islam. In addition to a common attitude towards women, Liberalism and radical Islam have similar respect for freedom.
I will add that an armed, trained conservative woman is at the core of her soul less susceptible to Liberal sexual terrorism than is the Liberal female archetype. Another reason Liberals want everyone disarmed, of course.