Louisiana’s Governor, local mayors and the Parish leaders needed to look competent. The rest of us never saw anything except what the media wanted us to see. If we hadn’t remembered much earlier lessons about the Gulf, who would have even known Mississippi and other States were hit by Katrina?
Those twits in New Orleans were the worst: Dumping people into the SuperBowl, too late. (some of that might have been moderated if they’d made attempts to keep families and neighborhoods together and anyone had planned for the simple fact that first responders have families, too.) Letting the school buses flood rather than using them as they should have been used.
Under our Constitution, the President’s only recourse would have been equivalent to declaring Marshal Law.
The media made a circus and put George Bush in the center ring. However, it was not his job, as you describe in you post about Barbour and Riley.
Declaring WHAT???