I can’t believe what Obama has done to me through his actions...actually hating a human being. I would avoid him at any and all costs. He would have to hunt me down and tase me just to be in his general vicinity. I can’t stand how repulsed I am of him.
All he has to do is produce the birth certificate and make everyone look like a fool if he is truly natural born (which I don’t believe he is due to the father, if he is really the father). Instead, he would see people court-martialed and have generals wondering if he is really our CIC. How horrible for morale!
How horrible of a man.
I feel sorry for the Secret Service charged to protect him. They are noble people for doing their jobs and fulfilling their oaths for this wicked man. May the LORD bless them!
What about the recent revelations that he was working for the CIA as a covert OP from 1981-1985 when he was supposed to be attending Columbia University?
Supposedly, that is why his past has been sanitized.
Supposedly, that is why everyone in our government is ignoring us...
I feel the same way. I can’t even say on here what I really think/wish. He is systematically destroying America and no one will stop him. I can’t even stand to hear him on TV. I have never hated a president, not even Clinton, until now.
What has Obama done to you?