The flag became inflammatory because WE AMERICANS have been too effin’ tolerant for too effin’ long. We might as well nip this illegal immigration thing in the bud NOW or it’ll be Civil War II later. No sense kicking the can of inevitability down the road as we have been doing.
i say, to hell with it, and let’s just get on to the war. It’s coming anyway, and I would rather fight it myself than to make my kids fight it.
This is a good idea
the longer we wait the retake our country the more illegals will be here and the more we have to get rid of
I agree with you 100%.
When they had one of the Fathers and Sons on Fox News last week, I kept waiting for the Father or the son to say just once something like "THIS IS AMERICA!!"
Because thats the most obvious problem with the whole ugly mess!! And they didn't say it!! Almost like it never even occurred to them that this really IS America. And if someone tells you that you can't be proud of that, punch them right in the mouth and kick their @$$ back to wherever they came from.
I guess it's partly a California thing. You can drop that whole state in the ocean as far as I'm concerned.
Buy a flag and flag pole, short or tall, and display the American Flag PROUDLY, whether you are a home owner, apartment dweller, wherever you live. Our flag must be flown with pride and it must be seen by all.
For too many years, we have seen less and less display of the American Flag...time to make some changes...WE are in charge here...this is OUR United States of America...put up the flag and be PROUD.
We citizens of the United States “pledge alliegence to the Flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands...” We love our Flag and our country. And if YOU don't, get the hell out.