So, what’s the problem if we ask Zer0 for his papers? My daughter had to show them in order to play soccer!
Where has this guy been?? Dozens of lawsuits have been filed trying to force zero to produce his BC and every single one has been dismissed because the plaintiff "lacked standing" with the court to bring the suit. When an American citizen "lacks the standing" to request that the president or ANY elected official produce documentation proving their eligibility to serve, what is the function of the Constitution? This is a fundamental issue that ANY citizen, whether native or naturalized, should be able to challenge any politician's qualifications and force them to produce proof.
There’s not a lot that can be done now to force Obie to prove he’s a natural born citizen. Even if there was, and he couldn’t, he wouldn’t step down, nor could he be forced to. And any court battle would take years. However, it’s entirely within any state’s rights to insist a candidate do so in order to appear on that state’s ballot in a presidential election. Only one state would need to do so. A presidential election is not a federal election. There’s no such thing in the US. A presidential election is comprised of 50 individual state elections. the people don’t elect presidents, the states do.