Does this blog tease tell us anything all the other threads didn’t?
Just commentiing on what Dick Morris said, that is all.
No, it is the same thing that seems to be happening over and over here at Free Republic lately. Something happens in the news, a thread is posted. 326 people write about that thing that happened in their blog and we have 326 blog threads started repeating the exact same thing in the original article.
I don’t have a problem with blog posts for the most part. Like op-eds, they can give insight or state something that someone didn’t put together before. However sometimes the repeat repeat repeat gets old.
I was hoping there would be something more significant here than in the other threads, but there isn’t. The country is divided into three factions regarding Waco. The people who think the Branch Davidians had it coming already know that the feds attacked the compaund. The people who think the feds murdered the Branch Davidians already think the feds murdered the Branch Davidians. The rest don’t care. Reno already said it was her decision and Clinton said he agreed with her. Congreessional hearings produced nothing actionable.
Sorry, everybody, but it’s over and unless somebody has a video of Bill and Hillary Clinton ordering the F.B.I. to murder people, it’s not going to accomplish anything.