Palin: we need to close the borders. They are called illegal aliens for a reason and if they are not going to follow the rules they should not be in our country.
Its pretty simple I ratched that one down to the simple answer because its an easier answer than some politicians want it to make it be. you close the borders.
You get more agressive about cracking down on the illegal aliens and we take it serious what our border patrol officers are trying to do
December 2009
Lars Larson radio talk show
LARS: The amnesty proposal that was defeated in Congress
in your view, was that amnesty for illegals and would you back amnesty for a path to citizenship, as the current president calls it?
SARAH PALIN: No, Im not for amnesty. Lets ratchet this down quite simply to remember what were referring to. Illegal aliens are called illegal for a reason. We need to secure our borders and I am not for amnesty.
And there are humane ways to deal with the 11-13 million illegal aliens who are in our country right now, but if theyre not going to follow the rules, they need to get out.
and Duncan Hunter endorsed Mr. annesty Huckabee in 08
And some will sacrifice all respect just for a chane to bash Sarah Palin.