An animal killing another for food so cruely, is expected in Nature. We also expect a human being to know the differnce and act like an normal sane adult. Not like another wild animal. That's what makes ,ost of us different from animals. Some-- not so much.
Judging from some of your replies, you sure don't speak like a country girl...and you have no idea what cruelty is.
Sometimes its just answering your silly posts, so I find it fruitless and will just stop reading yours. They are true cruelty...(I can use that word inappropriately just as you do) BB guns Bah, before the wussy' nosy Biddie's started running this country, ever boy grew up with a BB gun and some girls also...The government paid a bounty to get rid of vermin,(including crows) now they make you pay them to get rid of vermin like Florida that wants to get rid of the non-native pythons some lover of animals let loose when they weren't cute little snakes anymore...killing off the natural wildlife and someone's kitty or small dog...Instead of having to buy a special license, if the stupid government put a bounty on those vermin, they'd all be gone in a couple of years..
Who would have ever thought a country girl would so hate BB guns..makes me wonder what country.....have a great day..