Here’s my personal story: If he’s on a statin medication for cholesterol, take him off it immediately. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with dementia. She was getting really bad, she would sit and stare and was non-communicative. She was always very social. We took her off her statin medication and started her on weekly vitamin B shots (tiny, thin needle-you can barely feel the shot) which cost about $5.00 for a rather large bottle so it’s extremely inexpensive. It’s like night and day! She is doing so much better and carries on conversations with us again.
There’s a lot on the internet about this Transient Global Amnesia and it’s relation to statins (Lipitor). Here’s a webpage by a former NASA astronaut, Dr. Duane Graveline, that experienced it himself.
What FrdLvr said is very important. Start with eliminating meds and go on to add the vitamins. It's worth a good try before you diagnose severe dementia. so under the Doctors supervision..:)