Obama’s tone is slangy, downright vulgar at times, and insulting. He’s giving us all the finger 24/7.
“Hes giving us all the finger 24/7.”
It is remarkable how frequently he resorts to middle-finger cheek-scratching. There’s no way this can be unconscious or inadvertent as it too often has occurred in situations where the gesture is used to amplify his disdain for someone present or someone he is talking about. Moreover, given the number of handlers he’s had over the years, it’s inconceivable that someone would have taken him aside to say “Mr. President, while you may not intend this, many people interpret your raising your middle finger as offensive. There would be much to be gained and little lost if you were to stop doing this.”
Whereas the MSM was happy to broadcast to the world Joe Biden’s “f***** big deal” comment, Dick Cheney’s use of the F-bomb and other occasional uses of the term by politicians, they are mysteriously silent when Obama resorts to this gesture. He knows he has them right where he wants them. He would deny anything was intended by his gesture and likely the finger-pointer would be accused by his handlers of racism.
It takes alot of guts to be president and flip the bird to 75 percent of the people you govern.
That 75 percent now hate his guts.