The who, what and money that control the PaulBot Neo Left
is the attempt to take over the Republcan Party as stated.
They crawl into many races, just like 9/11 Truther Medina
and the gal challenging the GOP Dr. vs. Stupak and the
list goes on.
The naive and kool aid drinkers vote for these Libetarian
tools who disrupt the election and can take away enough votes for the Democrat to win.
This is the bottom line for the Neo Left PaulBots.
Just as the ones on FR. They bash and trash Republicans
but don’t touch the Democrats except for a possible one token post out of 75.
Their arguments are circular. Many are professional students and other malcontents.
The PaulBots seem to have a stunted maturity growth with a maturity level of a 16 - 18 year old.
If we were in better times, the Paulies would be merely an amusing distraction.
However, in these very critical times where it is crucial that we get as many conservatives elected to Congress as possible, and I pray the White House as well when the time comes, the tactics of these people are poisonous. We have enough problems with the Marxists in power right now. Now, we also have to contend with these egocentric idiots trying to get their own into high-profile offices on our ticket.
Their only intent is to divide and destroy from within.
We've got to stay on top of these people and keep exposing them in order to try to reclaim our nation.