I educated a couple of guys this week, the key is to pick senior citizens, we are a reliable voting block...cut & gutting grannies and gramps Medicare, nursing homes, the Military’s Tricare, doesn’t sit well. I show them copies of national news papers articles on the cut & guts. Then I hit them with the 46% of primary care docs are going to quit, where are you going to find a doc to take you? Then I tell them not to just take my word, go google and do some reading.
One came back today, convinced. Hopefully he’ll spread the word to his family and friends.
Those are great. I just got some action by pointing out the Karl Denninger article that showed up on another thread to my 35 year old son. Point of reference, he hasn’t been able to compute that this is a robbery of liberty. Then quoting chapter and verse from the law that says he is “not allowed” to purchase catastrophic insurance because he is over 30. Then simply asking “how you enjoying your freedom so far?”
The basic difference between every nation that has ever existed and the US is summed up in the universal phrase “it is not allowed.”