We have to keep our eye on the Republicans that are bidding for the jobs. First and foremost they must be at least 90% conservative Constitutional in mindset and then we should hear some static on reversing all of King Obama's Executive Orders. Then we should hear some stuff on totally killing the health bill and cap and trade the RATS put together. Construct a new health bill with only three things in mind, Tort reform and allowing across State lines health insurance providers. A third thing would be that the insurance companies cannot refuse anyone, precondition problem or not.
Tons more but that would be a start. OH!!!! Drill Drill Drill Baby!!!
You raise an interesting point. Seeing how the Dems used this opportunity to push their social issues through i.e. homosexuality and nanny state government, is there any one who is truly a 90% Conservative who is ready to embrace Conservative social issues as well as fiscal Conservatism?