You dont like vaccines - or expect a physician to not like vaccines? Tell all the blind children who had measles, all the infants born with mental retardation due to moms catching Rubella while she was pregnant, tell the infertile boys due to Measles, mumps, and Rubella. Tell the victims of lock jaw, who never got their tetanus shots.
And, if youd read the article, youd see that the Governor also told the Department of Health and Human Service to make it *easier* to opt out of mandated vaccines. That the Legislature had passed law making it a burden to opt out - people had to file paperwork to access the paperwork and had to do it each year, for each child.
Wow, that made no sense.
I don't like when people's rights and personal liberties are infringed upon. I expect physicians not to shove their bias and morality down peoples' throats.
It's not the state's business to require and fund the vaccination of young girls for STD's, whether it had an opt out clause for religious purposes.
Don’t like religion?
What you “don’t like” is still an expression of your morality.
The opt out is not only for religious reasons.
And, what you don’t know is how often I’ve stood up to the Texas Medical Association and expressed my own moral position that it is inappropriate to have the regulations on opt out (rather than “opt in”) and in opposition to the opt out every year, as well as the general moral position among some doctors that parents are not the best advocates for their children.