The questions were obnoxious; for example: “would knowing that hate groups support Scott Brown change you opinion of him?”.
Hate groups supported zer0. In Philly they stood out side of polling stations.
The Communist Party USA championed Obama's campaign and cheered his victory. But don't call his policies socialist, because that's racist and unproductive.
100million people died worldwide from Communism in the 20th century. Nazism has been stamped out. Neonazis run around in the woods but pose no substantial threat. Communists rally on our campuses and t-shirts of Communist butchers are proudly worn on stage, in schools, and in restaurants by Communists who are every bit as vile as Nazis.
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are well known antisemites.
Hate comes in all colors.
The questions were obnoxious; for example: “would knowing that hate groups support Scott Brown change you opinion of him?”.
- “I’m Ted Kennedy, and I approve this ad”
Just reply, “Hate groups? Why, I’d be happy to see Democrats voting for him!”