You’ve inspired me to take a walk to the gym and sign up. Thank you and take good care of your sweet self!
Good idea to stick with the exercise, as it is likely that under the new FREE health care plans, diabetes is considered a pre-existing condition, and probably won’t be covered.
After one episode of 400 blood sugar (heavy meal, big slice of cake and very low hemoglobin) I was sentenced to a lifetime of insulin. I took insulin about 3 months suffering many serious bouts of hypoglycemia. When I had to stop dosing to get a blood test I never started up insulin again. Since the end of October my A1C is 5.6 (I still test regularly). I am being fairly careful with what I eat but I think that the doctors blew this one.
That is the part that ticks off every leftist in the US of A. Happy New Year Lloyd.