There’s no “care” about it, whether “Obamacare” or “Health Care.”
It’s Socialized Medicine. Period.
I will not be popular, but I want to ask you this question. What is wrong with making people pay for BASIC , CATASTROPHIC HEALTCARE? I know young people don’t think they will get sick..but they do. Then, who pays? WE DO anyway.
My hairdresser is married. She and her hubby own their business. Probably don’t bring in much right now. They own a small house, two vehicles and have two children.
She gets pregnant with TWINS! I asked her if she had health insurance. She said NO. She winds up going on State Medicaid. Isthat right? If she and her family had to come up with a few hundred a month for catastophic, I’m sure they could find it. I know she takes vacations, etc.
It’s this kind of thing that drives me crazy.We’re going to pay one way or another.
What say you?