Truth is most insurance policies already have lifetime limits. Reid really isn’t changing anything from the status quo.
This is government doing it. That is very different.
Not really, if you reach a lifetime limit with an insurance company (the usual limit 1 or 2 million is usually very sufficient for 99% of people) you can get another policy or turn to the government social net. When they become the only game in town what do you do. I'll bet it wouldn't stand up in court anyway because of that.
Many people who obtain their medical benefits through their workplace end up having at least a few different insurance plans (and employers) in their lifetime and each plan has a limit - but you have multiple plans. Under Reid’s direction, there would only be one plan and one limit.
Yes, this is different from the status quo. Today's insurance companies are upfront about limits. Our government is telling us there will be no limits, and according to the article this provision is buried in a section entitled No lifetime or annual limits. Typically, this is called "fraud".
Secondly, the bill reportedly allows drug companies to block anyone from ever creating cheaper generic drugs. So people reliant on these medicines will reach their limits more quickly because the less expensive drugs will be withheld from them forever. At least they will be illegal in the US. You would have to make drug runs to Mexico to get your life-saving medications.