Looks good on paper...And there was a time when this applied...However, the world has gotten much smaller since the founding Fathers conceived the beautiful idea of staying out of international affairs...
I think one has to take a broader look at what constitutes the 'defense of the U.S.'...
Were we defending the U.S. by getting involved in the 2nd World War??? I'd say yes...Are we defending the U.S. by installing missles in allied countries in Europe??? Again, I'd say yes...
Korea may be up in the air but you can bet there are a lot of S. Koreans who are happy we got involved...
And Israel??? From a Biblical perspective we MUST protect Israel...The Founders of course had no idea that a couple hundred years down the road God would move His people back to the land He promised them...
That situation is meaningless to Ron Paul and apparently his supporters...So no Ron Paul for me...He's the most pro Constitution politician out there...But he needs to get outside the box and take a look around...
This is simply not true. If anything the U.S. was less "isolated" at the time of the founding that it is now. It was surrounded on all sides by hostile or potentially hostile powers throughout most of the nineteenth century including possessions of the British Empire, the Spanish Empire, and the French.