The PC crowd doesn’t care—as long as it isn’t THEM or one of THEIR loved ones involved as a possible casualty. Todd Beamer’s patriotic spirit is still alive and well. I am so hacked off at PC that I am PIC as often as possible. I teach college students. Most colleges seem to be handcuffed by PC. I unabashedly say “Merry Christmas” to students, and when they have a serious problem, I tell them I’m praying for them. I double dog DARE anyone to EVER say anything to me about it. Not to brag, but they NEED lowly master-degreed functionaries like me who teach English. If they ever want to make an issue of it, so be it.
God Bless You for going into the teaching profession. That makes my day just knowing that there are some conservatives ‘infiltrating’ the marxist endoctrination centers....LOL!!
Keep up the great work!