God, I think my head exploded a little when I read that, Beckwith. Is that from the Boy King's Manifesto - the Audacity of Hope?
Meanwhile that whole 'backlash against Muslims' thing is nothing but a huge myth. (Although, I honestly wonder how long that's going to last with all the stuff that's been going down...)
He's been rebuffed/stonewalled by the White House.
The first public congressional hearing on the Fort Hood attack will not include testimony from any current federal law enforcement, military or intelligence officials because the Obama administration "declined to provide any" such witnesses, according to a Senate committee source.
But the list does not include anyone actively involved in investigating the Fort Hood attack, or anyone who might have been responsible for decisions made by various government agencies before the attack about whether to investigate the shooting suspect, Nidal Hasan. The Senate committee source said HSGAC Chairman Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) had hoped to have witnesses from the FBI and the U.S. Army, but was rebuffed in his requests.
It’s from “The Audacity of Hope.”