“Sunday, November 01, 2009 10:00:59 PM · 44 of 55
Tucker39 to sharkhawk
Ill go so far as to say that I think the more body bags come back from the Middle East, the better The One likes it. And that it correlates with his dithering on Afghanistan.
I think his plan is to dither and hedge and hem-haw and screw around, meanwhile letting the body bags pile up, until the MainSlime Media takes their cue from him and starts the same kind of screaming anti-war stuff they did toward the end of the Viet Nam surrender and pullout. I actually think his visit to Dover was part of that plan; intended to DRAW ATTENTION to the returning coffins.
Once the media-induced hue and cry to end the war gets great enough, Obama can throw in the towel in the Middle East, and surrender and pull out; and he can say he is only doing the bidding of a majority of Americans, whether its actually true or not. Since when was this man ever concerned about being truthful?!”
If this report of the latest rules of engagement is correct; I REST MY CASE!
Your description is exactly right. It would provide what we fear the most.
ObaMAO’s idea is to inflict MAXIMUM US casualties.
What better way to accomplish it while looking presidential to his drooling sheeple?
Good case! He’s trying to manipulate the whole thing. he could care less about body count or victory. Just wants to get out and shore up his base.
0bama is seeking room to maneuver, until he can satisfy them. He also doesn't want Muslim blood on his hands; he feels accountable to the Umma.
I do not know how much blood and treasure we should pour into Afghanistan, but I trust our military more than 0bama. I know how they feel about their men, but also the mission they have been given. If this effort fails, Central Asia will become the playground of the Salafists, who will then have access to Pakistan's nukes or nuclear technology.
The next time a plot is hatched in Central Asia against the US, it will be with the connivance of the axis of Iran, Pakistan and North Korea.
Many, many Americans will die.