Question becomes though...if this member of Congress (& others) send a formal letter to Barry asking him to release his long form copy...and he refuses...are we to believe the Congressmen will simply be OK with that...and that nobody in the media would be "made" aware of that and that the media would sit on it as well?
I believe they'd be fine with it unless it was a request from several hundred members of Congress. A handful will be ignored as fringe birthers, you know.
“...are we to believe the Congressmen will simply be OK with that...and that nobody in the media would be “made” aware of that and that the media would sit on it as well?”
If you’re really asking, my answer is yes. I don’t know how the Congressmen will feel about Obamao’s refusal to accommodate them with their simple request, but I bet nothing comes of it. Obamao’s response is entirely predictable. As for the media, ...please.
stop asking all the wrong questions. Obama is a FRAUD, you know it, I know it, millions of others know it, the real question needs to be put by a MAJORITY of congresscritters and senators and folks, I mean, it needs to be made a HUGE DEAL of. Unless and Until it is, he will keep doing his kubooki dance and f@rting in America’s face. Completely unacceptable. This is so OBVIOUS it’s embarassing. Truth is, there is TOTAL corruption behind this. HE knows he’s a fraud, many others know he’s a FRAUD, the involved Judiciary so far, know he’s a fraud, and yet they continue to obsufucate!! WHY??????????? THAT, my American friends, IS the question. Force, and I mean real force, will be needed at this stage of the GAME. Not a game for the American people but certainly a profitably one for this paper tiger. CO