There happens to be a lot more to foreign policy than war, but narrow minded people cannot think of anything else. I presume, therefore, you are just delighted with the millions of American’s dollars that are going to foreign aid, especially to the very countries that harbor and foster terrorists. Ron Paul isn’t.
And you must be delighted with this country surrendering sovereignty to the Wold Bank, IMF, and UN, which the democrats love. Ron Paul doesn’t.
By the way, I want all the US troops around the world to come home too. Then, if you and the other war mongers are willing to finance, with your own money, killing people and destroying property in every backwater hell-hole in the world, and can convince enough idiots to volunteer to die for your useless schemes, do it, but not with other people’s money (or other people’s children), please.
World War II was the last legitimate war the US fought. All the rest have been political, and an excuse for a big military and to give the generals something to do. Not one American individual’s life was saved or improved by any of those wars—but a lot of American’s lost their lives and their fortunes because of them.
Gandhi, MLKJr and Rosa Parks are heroes to Ronpaul and clearly Ronpaul is a hero to you. You're both naive and dangerous fools. Thankfully Ronpaul will never be potus.