The bottom line is the Bomford certificate looks exactly the same as a South Australian birth certificate of the period should. The alleged Obama certificate looks nothing like a Kenyan birth certificate of the period does.
Australian birth certificates have a basically standardised formula instantly recognisable to anybody who has ever had to inspect them. The precise appearance changes from time to time and state to state as different printers and different printing processes have been used, but the basic format has remained generally consistent for decades. During my time in the Royal Australian Navy, at one stage, one of my duties was reponsibility for inspecting the documents of potential recruits who were required to present their birth certificates for inspection. I'm now a teacher at a private school and we also keep copies of our students birth certificates on file. I know what Australian birth certificates look like. The Bomford certificate is a perfect example of a mid 1960s South Australian certificate as produced by the South Australian government printers (W.L. Hawes). This is not something that was exported overseas.
The alleged Obama certificate on the other hand looks nothing like any other Kenyan birth certificate anybody has been able to produce.
If someone showed you an American dollar bill which somebody had altered to have a picture of Queen Elizabeth II on it in place of George Washington, and had changed the words 'United States of America' to 'United Kingdom of Great Britain', do you think you'd believe for a moment you were looking at a genuine one pound sterling note? Of course not - well, that's the situation I am dealing with here.
The Bomford certificate looks like a South Australian birth certificates. The alleged Obama certificate does not like a genuine Kenyan birth certificate - it looks like an altered South Australian one.
Can you support this assertion?
WND claims that they have taken a look at Kenyan birth certificates of that period, and the certificates are consistent with the one submitted for President Obama.
Please post data supporting your assertion.
You know, I've been on a lot of these threads. Yet I've never seen a South Australian BC, other than the Bomford one, and also not an example of a BC from the British Protectorate of Kenya (the coastal strip which includes Mombasa, other than the two alleged to be those of BHO.
So which threads were these posted on?
BTW, I never thought the "red couch" BC was real, at least not after the Bomford one showed up, but I would like to see another Coast Province BC, or more precisely a BC from the Coast Province General Hospital (or whatever it's exact name was) from circa 1961.