It’s the Catholic Church’s position that everyone should have access to healthcare. However, Catholics are free to disagree on HOW to make healthcare accessible...wether it be government run or free market solutions.
Thank you for your response SMCC1. However, I don't think you addressed my question. Let me re-post the supposed comment from the article:
... and to share with him that the bishops of the Catholic Church are anxious to support a plan for universal health care, ...
The ONLY plan that Obama is interested in is a government run, socialist controlled power-grab plan, that is intended to eliminate all public options.
If one is talking to Obama about being anxious to support a plan, and he has only one plan, (and the only apparent voiced concern is that the plan not include abortion), one might assume that there is support by the Roman Catholic Church for Obama's government only plan.
That is, of course, if the media isn't making this up and/or distorting the facts.