Haven’t seen much on this and don’t know what czarist powers are and who they will directly report to. Also could someone who knows explain how Obama’s czars differ from Bush’s czars.
Also are these appointments legal? Have they been challenged legally? Is there oversight? Are czars just advisors who have no power or have they been given power and, if so, by who and is that constitutional. Need some expert advice on this please.
Well Joan, I’m no expert, and anyone can correct me if I’m wrong, but the best information I’ve found on the Czars, has been covered by Glenn Beck. Obama’s czars do not differ from Bush’s czars, except in number. Obama has appointed many, many more. The appointments are legal and have not, to my knowledge, yet been challenged in any way, legally. The only oversight is in that they report directly to Obama and are not required to be vetted or approved by Congress. Congress has no say. I don’t think anyone knows exactly how much power they have or who is paying them (or how much). Do you get youtube? Do a youtube search for Glenn Beck Czars. He’s been very informative on the subject.
In case you don’t get youtube, here is a conversation with Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin and Pat
Glenn Beck: Czars Czars and more Czars!