Commercial Real Estate market “shoe” to drop, in next year or so (if that long), just like housing mortgage market. The FUNDAMENTALS of our economy are screwed up, and the “O” admin is putting people into car payments at a time when people should NOT be in debt. period.
Also, look at the foreclosures and bankruptcies in recent months, in addition to job number losses...we are not in position we need to be in to have a long term recovery, it is just another house of cards....that will eventually plummet ???within a year or two we will hit rock botton, imho.
My opinion is zero is holding lots of stimulus money back, to be spent to hit economy, just in time for 2010 elections. To make it look like dems have “saved the day”. There will be no more money for stimulus, for jobs, for paying bills. For our own national security protection. NOW my opinion is barring any violence or terrorist attacks, etc that would accelerate that, as history shows.
Pray, prepare, self-control,and information will keep us as personally safe as possible, which in this environment isn’t saying very much, except for prayer.
Won’t work. The house of cards is coming down.