I’m going to keep pressing the eligibility issue but I can also fight on all other fronts at the same time. I’m not going to be angry at Glenn for concentrating on another front.
I think that’s a reasonable stance to take. I’m a bit torn on the whole “birther” issue, but the level of subterfuge from the Obama camp sure smells funny. On the other hand, I can see right through the Obama playbook and we’re falling right into it their strategy. By keeping us chasing our tails (the occasional “Kenyan BC” or whatever), it distracts a lot of us from obstructing his Marxist agenda. It also has the added benefit (courtesy of his compliant state-run media) of painting us as conspiracy theorists. I swear, it feels like the progressives are on another whole plane of strategy. We’re playing 2D chess, while they’ve mastered the 3D version.