This is wrong and disrespectful to our troops to use the same idiotic argument as the Left regards how to conduct a war. I don’t care what your silly rationale is.
I agree with you on this, but I will say this, and it hurts and pains me to say it.
If the level of support our military personnel get from the Commander in Chief is limited to statements like “I don’t feel comfortable with the concept of ‘victory’ and implementing specific rules that are going to put them at a disadvantage, then I want them out of harm’s way.
I know that this is how liberals WANT the situation to be and it is how they want people like me to feel about the military, but I will wait and see.
Ann Coulter has said it best in her book “Treason” when she opines that Democrats should never be allowed near the Oval Office when we have men on the battlefield.