How many times did the Left bash Bush with, “He lied and people died” or “Where are the weapons?” Yet Bush served two full terms so were the people who repeatedly harangued Bush insane because they didn't change the fact that Bush served two 4year terms as president.
I'm sorry but I disagree and I think that you've misdiagnosed people who are holding Obama’s feet to the fire on this issue not to mention that there is plenty of willful ignorance on the other side who would say that they didn't even know that Obama birth certificate was an issue.
So whether you like it or not the ground swell will continue and grow and that is the different result that we are expecting more and more people informed about this issue.
If that's crazy it's crazy like a fox!
No, I’ve used that term since it came out in the conservative press, describing it, from various articles, blogs and other personal websites (about conservative politics). This was something that certain other conservatives identified a while back.
The “definitions” were derived over a period of time, here on Free Republic, as I began seeing certain irrational and insane kinds of ideas develop and be talked about.
In fact, I was on one thread yesterday (I believe) where a poster was proposing that the generals in the U.S. confront Obama and demand that he step down from office or else they would remove him from office.
I couldn’t believe it... LOL... (and neither could a lot of other posters). It’s like being a banana republic... :-)
And that was one of the definitions that I’ve seen over a period of time.
As far as those others on the liberal side, hassling Bush in a “deranged way”, yes... they were *just as insane* as these certain conservatives that I’ve seen here with “Obama Derangement Syndrome”...
There are insane people on both sides, obviously... LOL...
And in regards to your comment about “holding Obama’s feet to the fire”... well... telling us that Generals in the U.S. Military should do a military coup is not what I call “holding Obama’s feet to the fire” — but rather “insane”... :-)
And as for political ground swells, I’m all for them. I think we ought to have a political ground swell to get more conservatives (and I mean “sane” ones... LOL... not the “military coup” kind...) — and then maybe we’ll win the next election...
Oh, one more thing. I usually post about “BIRTH CERTIFICATE CENTRAL” in all the threads I’m on, but I noticed that I didn’t do that here...
So, in regards to what you said — “... they didn’t even know that Obama birth certificate was an issue.”
Heres a news outlet for you and here ya are, other folks readers... this is Birth Certificate Central... at WorldNetDaily...
No..., I really like WorldNetDaily. This is not any kind of derogatory remark about them. They are an excellent news site on the web. Ive followed them for years. They have a Christian worldview outlook and I would recommend them to all readers, regardless of the birth certificate issue that they go after all the time.
As Ive posted elsewhere... below...
Every time I see the birth certificate issue, Ive got to pump up WorldNetDaily, since they are on this issue *all the time*...
If you want to go to a legitimate news source that has been on the Obama birth certificate issue for a long time now and does so *consistently* go to WorldNetDaily...
They even pay to have billboards put up around the United States asking Where is the Birth Certificate?... I dont know of any other news source anywhere that has paid to put up these kinds of billboards all over the country.
If youre interested in the Obama Birth Certificate issue, youll find a lot of older articles from them on it, and they always have new articles coming up all the time. They are always hammering away at this issue and its a new source that is well worth supporting by going and clicking on their links.
Keep up on the birth certificate issue on WorldNetDaily...
[... I love WorldNetDaily, as theyre a fine news website... :-) ...]
You see... I don’t mind doing legitimate news stories about the birth certificate issue and WorldNetDaily does them. In fact, they do it the best of any news site around. It’s just the “let’s get the Generals to do a military coup” that is insane and nuts (along with the other insanity there, too).
WorldNetDaily does not do the insane stuff, but they do report — *consistently* — on the birth certificate issue.