Per Joshua Keating:
“Lets imagine that Barack Obama had been born in Indonesia or Kenya or anywhere else for that matter, and hadnt become a citizen until moving to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. Is there one good reason why that would make him less fit to be president?”
This is what I would say to Mr. Keating and any who agree with him:
The constitution of the United States allows amendments to be enacted. If you truly believe that the place of birth for a U.S. President is irrelevant, then you are free to make your case and work with others for an amendment to that end. Although I disagree with you, I fully support your right to work for such an amendment. Until such an amendment is enacted, the constitution stipulates that the President of the United States must be a natural born citizen.
But they will just respond that the constitution is a “living and breathing document” and our current era make such a requirement “archaic” so who cares what the text says.... their BS is unbelievable