To: KoRn
Depriving the enemy of their means of generating cash and creating hardship within their communities are a basic part of warfare.
9 posted on
07/07/2009 5:14:22 PM PDT by
("He who dares not offend cannot be honest." Thomas Paine)
To: Psion
‘Depriving the enemy of their means of generating cash and creating hardship within their communities are a basic part of warfare.’
Indeed, the Federal Gov’t is doing that to us.
12 posted on
07/07/2009 5:15:59 PM PDT by
(Insanity is voting for Republicans and expecting Conservatism.)
To: Psion
"Depriving the enemy of their means of generating cash and creating hardship within their communities are a basic part of warfare."Apparently that's a revenue source for more than just our enemy. Would angering the local population that also grow the flowers that are friendly to us be worth whatever financial harm done to the enemy?
13 posted on
07/07/2009 5:17:10 PM PDT by
(Department of Homeland Security, Certified - "Right Wing Extremist")
To: Psion
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