But a state governor turning down already allocated money that belongs to the states taxpayer is irresponsible and as such is the antithesis of Conservative logic.
Or perhaps you like the money going to those who pay no taxes instead of those who it rightfully belongs to, those that do pay.
So you decide what is legit and what isn’t?
Your argument would also insist that all governors accept the Federal stimulus money and all the strings attached.
The reason to forgo FEMA and its money is to avoid the sort of federal meddling that always comes with government money.
Palin has handed over her sovereign authority to 0bama and FEMA by taking their tainted money.
Don’t bother. Some of these people will cut off their noses to spite their faces.
Hmmm...suppose your state and first responders are overwhelmed by a natural disaster, do you accept help from the feds? One of the basic functions of a national government is national defense and helping the citizenry on matters of public health and natural disasters.
You knuckleheads blaming FEMA for Katrina is ridiculous as they were only responsible for a third of the problem. Nagin and Blanco were total screwups and refused to ask for help even though Bush begged Blanco to request help. Yes, there was Brownie and the flyover but Blanco and Nagin still put their city and state at more risk due to their stubbornness.
Back to Palin. Some of you need to get a grip on reality. She is doing her duty as governor and recognizing a basic function of government.