I hope it helps!
Please do give Dave a listen- he has really made an impact on my financial life, and he’s a joy to listen to. People call in with some really awful situations, and he’ll come up with a good, solid, sensible framework of a solution for them to implement, to get themselves out of it.
$20/month phone, $40/month office (Bundling services also helps and can save even more money)
$10/month DSL home, $21/month office
$150/month office space rent (and no additional signing of lease)
$22/month cell phone, $38/month office
$36/month office alarm company if we pay quarterly
$61/month office special usage with water company ( I called and asked if there were special programs for offices that dont use very much water..and yes there was a program!)
Saving about %23 on electricity with energy saving bulbs at the office and about %15 at home
$29/month health insurance...by going with another company I get more coverage and rates are lower since I am in excellent health for my age