That may very well be, but remember that old adage: "Where there's smoke............"
Moreover, don't you find it just a little disconcerting, that the Car Czar and the entire gang of clueless moonbats who are overseeing this debacle REFUSE to be accountable and answer a simple question: What is the criteria they are using to designate which Dealership is being forced to close?
Common sense would dictate that this is not an unreasonable request and one which should no problem to answer should they have a formula which will pass the smell test?
While not wearing my trusty tin foil hat this morning, I seriously doubt they are using the "Dart on a Board" method and as it has been reported that MANY of the Dealerships on the chopping block are "SUCCESSFUL" and "PROFITABLE."
Can you explain that as closing money-making, Dealerships makes 0 sense, does it not???
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, is what to hell is our Gubmint doing sticking its nose into INSTRUCTING Chrysler as to which Dealerships MUST be closed in the first place; that should be left up to Chrysler, or better yet, hashed out in Bankruptcy court
Chrysler’s Methodology for Dealership Closings