I’m not Catholic, so I never got understood all the fuss about the DiVinci Code. I finally saw it on DVD and it was just plain dull. For a thriller, there wasn’t much and Tom Hanks sounded like he had a cold the whole movie.
Sounds like more of the same for this one. I’ll probably watch it once it hits DVD, but I’m not expecting much.
Actually it’s much faster than DaVinci Code, and I agree, it was a snore fest. This time, the pace has improved but they should;ve replaced Hanks. It’s like he was just plain tired..Ah well, it’s not like I paid for the ticket.
Angels is much better than DaVinci. It’s fast paced with action shots of cars almost but not quite (don’t wanna call attention to something that might be wrong to the world msm) racing through Rome and the music is pretty good. However, I wonder if someone who hasn’t read the book could follow since it’s so condensed. At least read the synopsis before going.