I dont think WND represents conservatives any more than I think Hannity does.
I only know that WND is sensationalistic and Hannity boring.
All have their place I suppose. I like Jack Cashills work as entertainment and food for thought.
I am sorry if I offended anyone on this thread. All this BC stuff is very interesting and I commend those who have done serious work to that end, but...I dont think this should be the focus of our removing Obama from power.
This guy is like the death of 1000 cuts, and it is doubtful that we will find one strategy to take him down. We have to swarm him, just like they are doing to us.
What you said! Agreed 100%!
We take him down with 1000 cuts,,, 2nd amendment people, pro-lifers, BC truthers, vets, loggers, Immigration reformers, oilmen, people who want to use lead fishing sinkers, Tea party spending types, anti-sodomites, etc,, we all attack, and weaken him. Each with our own plan and reason. We can pull him down like a pack of wolves in the next election.
But it's not the focus, as another poster wrote, it is just one of many issues that need to be pursued that will hopfully bring his quick demise.