The point of having Sarah Palin run in 2012 is to have a pro-life President who will appoint Supreme Court Justices who oppose Roe vs. Wade enough to overturn it.
If the judge that Sarah just appointed is in favor of abortion continuing to be legal, than I will be very disappointed in Sarah.
Keep reading the thread, there is something fishy going on.. The organization the judge was on the board of was not an abortion providing firm when she was on the board. Also, the 'pro life' group that sent this memo out was supporting her opponent who was a bigger pro-abortion candidate than her and very far to the left on most issues. There is also something very fishy with this so called pro-life group that is sending this information out. I don't believe they are who they say they are. I had posted a thread but asked it be removed until I get more info, but let's just say, if you scratch the surface, things are very ugly.
If this woman is pro-abortion then both of Gov. Palin's choices were pro-abortion, and since the Alaska courts have no say in overturning Roe v. Wade, I'm not disappointed. She made the best choice she could.
Gov. Palin has said more than once that she favors overturning Roe. v. Wade.