It's a neat gimmick, but let's not let an altruistic, smug 14 year-old 'enlighten' us with his kernels of knowledge and pearls of wisdom (like he's some great bard or sage of ages). Give me a break.
As a high school debate coach, I’ve been around kids like this one a lot—very bright, well-read, highly articulate. They all have lacked the life experience to be completely effective persuaders, however as long as they stay on point and hammer home the facts, they can be quite convincing.
Look, in today’s world, kids who don’t know who the Vice President or Nancy Pelosi is are a dime a dozen. When we have a teenager who can put together a cogent sentence, much less a book, we should definitely stop and take notice. And give credit where credit is due—his parents.
Yes, but my point is broader than that. I am tired of learning about Republican representatives whose staffs are full of guys that are more than willing to watch young women deploy to Iraq while they are in D.C. Were I a Congressman, I’d let it be known that any staffer in my office will be able to produce a DD214.