“We know Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama’s sister has a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth too, and she was born in Jakarta, Indonesia.”
Source or proof for this claim please.
Hollister v. Soetoro aka Obama & Biden Complaint
Under para: — Factual Allegations
22. ...The Hawaiin Department of Health issues a Ceritification of Live Birth to births that occurred abroad in foreign countries as well as births that occurred at home and not in a hospital. Certifications of Live Birth are issued to those born as “naturalized” U. S. citizens as well as “natura; born” U. S. citizens. It should be noted, Soetoro’s sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng was born in Indonesia in 1970, she was born a “natural” citizen of Indonesia, however, her birth was registered in Hawaii as a birth abroad and she is only a “naturalized” citizen, not “natural born”; despite this she was issued a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth (COLB).
This stuff is being dug up by private detectives, so it’s open to question, and the only way to satisfy you, and me, for that matter, is for Obama to release his bona fides.
You and I both know there is no REAL PROOF to any of this, since Obama is fighting the release of his bona fides with every resource available to him.
The discussion would end tomorrow if Obama would release his vault-copy birth certificate, his college records and travel documentation. You know it. I know it.
Everyone on this site is regularly asked to produce their bona fides for work, military service, driver’s licenses — heck, my grandson needed to produce his birth certificate to play Pop Warner football.
So the real question is, what is Obama hiding and why is he hiding it.
All the rest is bullsh!t. Your bullsh!t. My bullsh!t. None of us KNOW.
If there’s no there, there — he should just prove it and we can all move on to other issues.
AS long as Obama hides his documentaion, this discussion/argument/bullsh!t will continue. Sooner or later, it will all come out, anyway.
On a less serious note, here’s a site that lists Maya as a “celebrity born in Honolulu.”
All this crap ends as soon as Obama is straight with the American people.