I used to have a WebTV and learned to use HTML on it. Those symbols are on your key board probably in the same place they are on mine (it's been so long I don't remember). The < symbol should be on the comma (,) key and the > symbol should be on your period (.) key. Hold down the shift key to use them.
When you enclose the P inside the < and > it creates the <P> (paragraph) tag - which forces a space between lines of text.
Bless your heart....thanks for taking the time to tell me you used to have a web keyboard....and guess what?? You were so right...the< and> are on the keys you said they were...Boy, I feel dumb...I’d completely overlooked those two keys earlier when someone else attempted to steer me in the right direction....thanks again.... this goes to show ya...it’s nice to learn something new , no matter ones’ age...LOL.