Why do many Jews support liberals? My only answer is that there is a profound dearth of common sense that crosses all racial, ethnic and religious lines.
I have asked many of my Jewish friends and I never get a coherent answer as to why they do it...
Their number 1 issue is Israel, they are family-oriented social conservatives, they are pro-business...
I just don;t get it....
It goes back to what I have said in the past about the Republicans need new leadership to articulate that these groups that vote lock-step democratic really need to answer why...
And we have to display why it is in everyones self interest to vote Republican....
1) Jews are tribal oriented. So are libs. Cons oriented more to the individual.
2) Jews Do not have a fondness for Christians. Neither do the libs.
3) Libs create more social programs, thus requiring support, thus creating a gubmint $$$ chain. Even big business likes that.
5) Libs control the press.