Me too.. but will never happen.. the socialists and "evos" even the Marxists are on the same train.. You know to propagandize that the THIRD human on this planet did NOT come from the first two.. That he or she evolved as well as the first two.. Evolved in a creative yarn as unprovable as the creationist story is.. However the creationist story could be a metaphor of what really happened.. Since what really happened could be quite unbelievable to normal humans.. and a distraction from lifes real issues..
The judeo christian bible treats origination quickly and metaphorically.. and gets on to the deeper and real issues of life on this planet.. Where humans came from may be beyond humans mental grasp.. UNLESS they concoct a fictitious yarn.. to answer and occlude reality..
Faith is the answer.. to believe the tale of evolution you must make the jump to faith.. I have no problem with that.. You seem to be a believer.. Well God bless you.. You know a believer in the evolution of humans..
I believe in evolution too.. for as Jesus said; "You MUST be born again".. Now thats serious evolution.. being born as another species?.. WoW..