McCain is not a fiend to conservatives. He can always be countesd on to undermine the principles of conservatism.
I still admire many things about the man though. He is truely a great man and a great American.
He is sooo blinded by the concept of bi-partisanship though that he will sell his soul over and over again.
He is not a leader that this nation needs. He may be better then any democrat today but he is only then the less of two evils.
My friend, please just get it over with and change the (R) behind your name to an (I) or a (D). But, please quit pretending to be the Republican Senator from Arizona. Senator Lieberman is more convincing...
Senator John McCain Offering $50 an hour to pick lettuce!
Too bad that NVA SAM didn’t fulfill its mission. The way he has dumped on SP after the election only shows what a classless clown he is. An upside to his defeat is that we won’t have to spend the next four years trying to defend him. Let him and Colon Bowell go away to their Washington salons where they will be toasted by dims as being “enlightened” (loser) Republicans.
“Fight with me! Fight WITH me!”
I’ll fight you now,
McLoser, McBackstabber, McSmallMindedUngratefulSOB, McAmnesty, McDiver, McQueeg, McManchurianCandidate, McStupid, McTrojanHorse, McRINO, MCDemocratLite, McConservativeHater, McLooney, McMistake, McHugeMistake, McDisloyal, McSycophant, McObamaLover, McSaturdayNightLive, McLettermanAssKisser, McUnworthytoTieSarahPalin’sShoes.
Go away, old man. You have done enough damage to the country you wanted all of us to stand up and fight for, while you laid down for Obama.
What really irritates me is when I think of his BS “fight” speech he would do at the end of his rallies and then the SOB conceded at the blink of an eye!
"My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends, My Friends,
Please hep me hep President OBamBam accomplish his goals!"
LOL...Spot On!!