More likely he did not distinguish in his own mind that while his parents were resident at the Coco Solo base in the Canal Zone, he was not born on the base.
But he did promptly submit both his birth certificates, which clearly show him being born in Colon.
He may be a dual citizen, but he does not have dual loyalties. Dual loyalties were the reason behind the "natural born citizen" requirement in the firt place, and according to Blackstone, English statute law, Defined a person born outside the realm of English Subject parents, to be natural born subjects, and even the common law did so if the father was an English Subject.
But might as well stop beating that dead horse, he did not win the election, and unless Obama is DQd and there are no faithless electors, he's never going to be President anyway. He only needs to be a citizen, which he is, to be a Senator, and now that's all he'll ever be anway.
What I have said in the past:
The good news is that McCain lost.
The bad news is that Obama may have won.