“The Seal should have been a 2007 seal, to go with the 2007 registrars date stamp.”
Who said they use a new mechanical seal every year? The seal has no date on it. It could have been in use since 1960 for all we know. Just because one 2008 BC has the same stamp pattern as the 2007 BO stamp does not prove the stamp was made in 2008 or the stamp wasn’t used in 2007 or earlier years. The HI health dept probably has dozens of embossed stamps they use, manufactured by different companies over the years, with slightly different features.
The rubber stamped name is not part of of the metal stamp. They are all applied by hand and may end up anywhere the employee decides to stamp them.
The same is very likely true of the seal. That is it is applied manually at the same time the stamp is put on the back. You'll notice that the seals aren't all in the same place either.
Welcome to FR.